Social Sharing Sites That Boost SEO & Drive Traffic


New tools make your art of SEO a little easier. When you grow up and notices. Social Sharing Sites are one of the tools that create a great impact. Because social media site engagement, following, and users are countless in the numbers. In fact, 70 % part of the world is using social media on various platforms. It is one of the best elements for search engine optimization. Social bookmarking websites are sites on which Internet users share their search, quarries, web pages, articles, thoughts, blog posts, images, and videos and advantages to submitting your content to one (or more) of these sites. Most importantly help to increase your brand awareness and can do that without any website.


Social bookmarking sites build quality links that are also a very important part of looking, on-page as outbound links and as social media buttons. Google notices these social bookmarking sites more than link signals. If you will search social bookmarking sites you will get many results quickly. 


Do know how many social sharing sites that boost SEO & Drive Traffic


Start with top social sharing sites:



Starting with the huge one Twitter is an amazing social media platform and an excellent tool. Because Twitter has amazing features and it’s quite professional most probably professional people use Twitter and if you have an account on Twitter you can post pictures, video, your idea and you can find things, directly you can enhance your reach to the right people. You can post your link also on your Twitter profile.  



Pinterest’s top social bookmarking site has an average monthly user base of 70 million, notice that 80% of females use Pinterest which is a very high ratio. More than 50 billion pins every single day you see on Pinterest. A very effective approach to marketing is also very successful. You create the profile and post the image and its description with a link. 



Dribble is an amazing social bookmarking site for designers.  It’s a great traffic source for your website. If you are a designer, Definitely this site will inspire you and you inspire others. Put all unique and interests to serve something good to your users.



On Reddit, users can generate a list of bookmarks by commenting, upvoting or downvoting. Reddit is a great tool when you’re looking to instantly promote your own site and get referral traffic. It’s also an excellent way to promote your own content.


Scoop. It caters to professionals, offers solutions for content creation, content curation, predictive analysis, and content intelligence and scoop. lt has two different versions, free and paid, paid version for businesses.  If you are going to use social bookmarking for your sites as part of your marketing strategy, don’t ignore Scoop It.



Nowadays Instagram has become one of the huge following apps on the internet. for a photo, video, and live video sharing. It has become one of the strongest social media platforms globally. An average user spends 28 minutes a day, daily. Also, Instagram is one of the best marketing social media platforms. You can share images, video, live streaming, story, text, campaign as well. Also, you can create a bio and unique link as well.    



Undoubtedly Facebook is the most popular and oldest social media platform in the world.

But now it’s almost like a search engine whatever you will search you will get the results. Still, Facebook has a major source to get traffic, and post your content marketing, image marketing, video marketing, Facebook ads you can create the fan page as well.   


Quora is the best platform for question & Answer and a great research tool also content brainstorming, you will get a wide range of topics, discussion and you can drop your quarry. On Quora, you can offer references as well.



LinkedIn is one professional social media platform. aimed designed to build and engage with your professional network.

1 Comment
  1. Dusty Wehner 7 months ago

    Your passion for your subject is evident.

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